Original Love Notes

Inspired by love and developed within strict funding parameters as an online sales venture, Original Love Notes was built around nine collections of tiny cards with sweet sentiments to share with loved ones.

Packaging and Display

Core packaging elements were established with with informational features to clearly explain a new type of product. Custom-built POP displays with hidden storage make it easy for retail outlets to maintain and restock inventory.

Illustration, Lettering, and Writing

A total of 180 unique cards were brainstormed into themed collections with unique lettering, imagery, and color schemes. Photography used for sales and promotions featured environment shots to suggest a variety of product use options.

E-commerce/UX Design & Development​

Optimizing the customer journey via multi-channel ordering in public marketplaces and private website.


Built in WordPress and powered by WooCommerce, the website also serves as a data collection and marketing agent. MailChimp email campaigns were sent to customers based on preferences established as a website user.


With a goal of easy auxiliary fulfillment and global advertising, Original Love Notes' product offering on Amazon soared to the top of the list for users within the first month and earned "Amazon's Choice" for love notes.

Social Media & Advertising

With a goal of expanding awareness and engagement, social campaigns worked toward interaction and recognition. Offering a consistent stream of gifts to loyal users while reinforcing the core mission, many campaigns rewarded customers with free products and online publicity.


Use Suggestions

With countless applications for Original Love Notes, the introduction to the brand required a bit of education. Instantaneous imagery shows examples of each collection and different ways to use the notes to achieve an awesome emotional return.


"Love IRL"

Fans and followers submit their best paparazzi-style photos of love in real life for a chance to win a free pack of Original Love Notes.


"Tell Her"

Echoing the purpose of the product in its most simplistic sense, Original Love Notes’ initial campaign reminds people to let their special folks know how important they are…with the help of Original Love Notes, of course.

Creating from Scratch

Developing and Launching a Product Line


Conceived as an alternative to traditional greeting cards with more use opportunity, Original Love Notes seeks to capitalize on word-based design trends while introducing a new way of gifting sentiment to loved ones.


Inviting, emotional, and inspiring advertising efforts were slashed with built-in slogans and catchphrases drawn from product content. Humor and heart made the inherent how-to a little softer.


A casual messaging tone alongside an approachable aesthetic serve to enlighten and celebrate sentiments of love. Elements of the product itself are used throughout design as an enticing preview of the offering.


Small-scale production was necessary at first launch, but when eight collections sold out in less than a week, development details were reconsidered and adjustments made to enable third party production.


Funding-compliant investor presentations to track sales and progress were built and presented quarterly, as well as advertising and marketing plans and pitches.

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